Deceit Then Death
The world is very misleading when it comes to God. The true conspiracy that is keeping you from the truth is your own personal conspiracy. The world in general supports your conspiracy that the most important thing in life is getting all you want and then hoping to get even more. We receive little or no truthful information about life’s purpose.
Here are some facts or truthful things:
1) You get older, and die
2) There is truth and there is error (often deceit)
Well that is about it as far as certain truthful things. Some people may not even believe there is any truth, but there is and in regard to what we are discussing – Heaven – There is truth! Few people would doubt there is death. The amazing thing about death is that it is ignored because it is unpleasant. It is very possible that if you knew for sure, absolutely without doubt the truth about life’s purpose then death would be something you viewed much differently.
There is much more deceit, like
1) There is no God
2) You were the result of an cosmic accident
3) Everything was created from nothing
4) You ancestors were monkeys
5) Someday we will understand creation
6) When you die, you will go out of existence
7) Just ignore, avoid all the talk about death and life after death – there is nothing you can do about it anyway
If you are religious (believe in God) there is a very long list of deceit:
1) The pope has some relationship with God
2) If you mentally accept Jesus, you will be saved
3) One belief or religion is as good as another
4) I know God will take care of me, I just know it
5) God will save the good people, most people are good
6) Mohammed and/or Joseph Smith or hundreds of others had a special relationship to God
How Strange The World
There was a time when those who denied God or indicated they questioned God’s existence were outcast.
This was wrong!
Today there is a strong mainstream media position in television, in movies that those who believe in God are foolish, not with the times, very outdated and even dangerous.”
This is wrong!
There are also media that indicate God is present working with or through them, directing them and there is much diversity in how this is presented.
This is wrong!
So it is still a strange world with plenty of confusion and of course – “Deceit Then Death”. Quite a dilemma, but there is truth and there is error. You need the truth and very likely you may not think it exists. You should not believe anything “religiously” without evidence, lots of evidence. Here is one of the most deceitful things: There is little or no evidence of God or of God’s purpose or evidence of what is really the ultimate truth.
This is wrong!
Summary of: Deceit Then Death