Seven Ones of God
The better you understand God, the more you will see how the scriptures fit everything together in a unique and Divine way. God has selected seven things (seven happens to be a number God uses to designate something that is perfect and complete) that define the essence of God and His purpose. They are the Seven ONES of God. These seven things are shown below:

The idea is that there are these seven ONE’s that are unique. There is One God, There is ONE Lord, There is ONE Spirit, There is ONE Faith, There is ONE baptism, There is ONE hope of our calling and there is ONE body.
The world wants to believe there are many God’s. The religions of the world want to believe there are many churches, but there is only ONE body. In each case of the seven ONES, there is just ONE. If people understood this and honored this they would not bring confusion to the world. There are many so-called Christians that believe baptism is not important and others that think there are many different baptisms. The baptism of the new testament is the one that forgives sins and is defined by the gospel as a parallel to Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. If you have the knowledge of God and a correct understanding of the gospel you can differentiate this baptism as water baptism. It is not the baptism of the Holy Spirit or the baptism of fire or other references to being immersed in something. It is being baptized in water, or as Jesus said, being born again of water and the Spirit.
Today, a person must obey the gospel to have their sins forgiven and be faithful unto death to attain heaven. There was no hope after sin occurred and yet God did not give up on His purpose to have each person have the hope of heaven. It would require the terrible suffering and death of His Son. In the seven ones of God, we see that there is ONE hope of our calling and the calling is being called by the gospel, by the gospel message. Few will heed the call, but will live for themselves. You have a real hope of heaven once you obey the gospel.
Colossians 1.5
5 because of the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, of which you heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel
In the world we hope for many things, but this is not the hope of a child of God, but there hope is in what is not seen.
Romans 8.24,25
24 For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees?
25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.
God explains the seen things as temporary and the unseen things as eternal in 2 Corinthians 4.16-18.
Hope of eternal life is something God planned before the beginning, specifically God indicates before time began. God knowing all things, knew of the first sin and as He indicates that all will sin and fall short of the glory of God.
Titus 1.2
2 in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began,
Peter summarizes the living hope that we can have because of the resurrection of Christ. It is reserved in heaven for you.
1 Peter 1.3-5
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
4 to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you,
5 who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
Yet, who is willing to live their life for Christ and the gospel? Apparently, it will be those who want heaven badly enough to forego the pleasures of this life and live humbly and unselfishly having a love of the truth.
The Terror of Catholicism
Catholic’s need to wake up to an almost unspeakable reality that Catholicism is an invention of humankind. The scriptures give no indication of such an organization, but in every doctrine of Catholicism the scriptures teach the opposite. Catholicism in their weakness tell Catholics to follow their interpretation of scripture and thus shut the door to truth for the weak-minded and many others who find comfort in Catholicism. The universal church, which Catholicism claims to represent is not their physical organization with rules coming from human leadership, but the universal church is spiritual. Only God can make the rules for humankind to be successful. The seven Ones of God reveal that which is important and there is no place for the Catholic inventions. If heaven is important to you, then seek God with every ounce of your being and the truth reveals God. Indeed, the fabrications of Catholicism can be convincing to those who like the ideas of Catholicism, but there is nothing difficult to overcome for those that love the truth. Catholicism is not alone in the mass destruction of souls, but is joined by most of the religions of the world in this great deception. This website provides a great deal about Catholicism as does the book, “What Is Life All About?”
The terror of Catholicism will be reality for all those who die believing the lie and thus never became a child of God. The shock will be overwhelming and also the awareness of their complacency. How easy it would have been to seek truth and find it and obey it and live it. The scriptures are there for everyone who wants to avoid the terror and live eternally with God. Catholicism falls into the category of something that makes no sense in view of the scriptures, but who cares to look for something different than they currently believe? The answer is, those who God seeks.

The world wants to believe there are many God’s. The religions of the world want to believe there are many churches, but there is only ONE body. In each case of the seven ONES, there is just ONE. If people understood this and honored this they would not bring confusion to the world. There are many so-called Christians that believe baptism is not important and others that think there are many different baptisms. The baptism of the new testament is the one that forgives sins and is defined by the gospel as a parallel to Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. If you have the knowledge of God and a correct understanding of the gospel you can differentiate this baptism as water baptism. It is not the baptism of the Holy Spirit or the baptism of fire or other references to being immersed in something. It is being baptized in water, or as Jesus said, being born again of water and the Spirit.
Today, a person must obey the gospel to have their sins forgiven and be faithful unto death to attain heaven. There was no hope after sin occurred and yet God did not give up on His purpose to have each person have the hope of heaven. It would require the terrible suffering and death of His Son. In the seven ones of God, we see that there is ONE hope of our calling and the calling is being called by the gospel, by the gospel message. Few will heed the call, but will live for themselves. You have a real hope of heaven once you obey the gospel.
25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.
Hope of eternal life is something God planned before the beginning, specifically God indicates before time began. God knowing all things, knew of the first sin and as He indicates that all will sin and fall short of the glory of God.
Peter summarizes the living hope that we can have because of the resurrection of Christ. It is reserved in heaven for you.
4 to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you,
5 who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
The terror of Catholicism will be reality for all those who die believing the lie and thus never became a child of God. The shock will be overwhelming and also the awareness of their complacency. How easy it would have been to seek truth and find it and obey it and live it. The scriptures are there for everyone who wants to avoid the terror and live eternally with God. Catholicism falls into the category of something that makes no sense in view of the scriptures, but who cares to look for something different than they currently believe? The answer is, those who God seeks.