Abortion The Terrible Choice
Abortion – The Terrible Choice
Abortion – The Terrible Choice

Understanding abortion in relation to God
I am writing about abortion to bring clarity. First, the vast majority of people understand abortion is murder. It is very obvious that a human life is being concluded and it is the life of one who has no way of objecting. Those women who want to end their pregnancy are looking for some way to justify to themselves and perhaps justify to others that this is their right, their choice. They very well also know they are murdering the child, but need to refer to it by some other term and use words like terminating the pregnancy and making a choice. They can apparently live with that terminology for at least a while.
As part of the hoax being played on women the abortion advocates tie abortion to being a feminist. In other words if you are a feminist then a central part of that platform is typically abortion. A woman might be a feminist for many reasons such as women’s rights in general, but to be a true feminist she must stand in support of abortion. Some women may object to abortion for the obvious reasons (murder, cruelty, suffering of the unborn) but to be a feminist “in good standing” they support abortion.
Reference: Typical (modern) values of feminism
The feminist movement (also known as the women’s movement, or simply feminism) refers to a series of political campaigns for reforms on issues such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, women’s suffrage, sexual harassment, and sexual violence, all of which and more fall under the label of feminism.
Is abortion right or wrong, is it acceptable or unacceptable to society, is it acceptable or unacceptable to God?
Obviously, these questions and their answers will be viewed differently that is, with varying degrees of prejudice. For instance, an atheist will not be interested in the biblical view of abortion. However, they might envision there is a moral question or a question of cruelty. On the other hand, they might appreciate that the woman has a right to make the decision.
Those who believe in God as the God of the Bible want to know what the scriptures teach. Many in religion believe they can find a way to “twist” the scriptures such that abortion is a matter of choice. After all, their core religious beliefs are based on liberal interpretations. Thus we have many “so-called Christians” that will accept the concept that a woman has the right to choose to have or not to have the child. There are endless possibilities when one looks into the scriptures believing they have the right to change or tweak God’s meaning. Yet there is truth and there is error. Those who love the truth want to know God’s meaning. In what follows we will rightly divide the word of God and know God’s meaning for abortion.
Let us look at abortion from the scriptural perspective. There are a number of verses that come to mind and we can place them under three topics:
1) God’s condemnation of murder:
Matthew 5.21,22
21 “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.’
22 But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment.
We can see that murder is discussed differently than in the Law of Moses inasmuch as even anger can qualify one for the same punishment, i.e. judgment. Being brought into judgment means that you have failed in life. Judgment as God uses it in this context is not the process used to determine your eternal fate. Judgment is indicating you have failed and this is seen throughout scripture and the needed clarity can be seen in the book, “God.” Jesus provides this strict version of a person’s actions that brings condemnation of what might seem to be lesser infraction. Anger can carry the weight of murder, lusting after a woman can carry the weight of the actual action of the sin. You see God knows the heart and if for some reason you cannot carry out the action of the sin you are still guilty. A person should not think that having an abortion or supporting abortions is any way trivial in the sight of God.
Galatians 5.19-21
19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness,
20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies,
21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
The cost of murder is the loss of eternal life. Life is not easy and those who live it for themselves at best have a temporary solution to their problems, to their desires.
2) God’s hatred of those who shed innocent blood
Proverbs 6.16,17
16 These six things the LORD hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
17 A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood
(note: the remaining things God hates are found in verses 18 and 19)
Is there any more innocent blood than that of an unborn child? As we will see, abortion defies the purpose of God. The child a woman carries is more than the physical embodiment but is in the mind of God and a spiritual being. The ownership of the woman’s body is her own, but not that of the child she carries. The child in the womb has no ability to plead for its life but the woman is the guardian. Whereas a person who is hurt cries out for help and a decent person responds, the totally helpless baby has no way to appeal and knowing this makes their life even more precious and in need of special oversight. Then in the most selfish act a woman can choose she turns her back on the child and murders the child.
Note: There are those who believe the unborn child is born with a sin (original sin) or born with a sin nature (inherited depravity). Both are wrong, nonsense and you can go to this website URL for a better and clear understanding:
3) God’s awareness of human life is from the time of conception
Jeremiah 1.5
5 “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”
God is aware of everything, knows everything and that includes every grain of sand on every beach, every hair on your head and of course, the existence of every life even in the womb. Indeed, each human being is in the image of God and has an eternal soul. We know God’s purpose to share in His Divine Nature with every human being and He devised procreation to provide humanity and thus to fulfill His purpose. The things of God are good and to interfere in the divine process is to interfere with that which is holy – set aside for God. It is certainly evil.
A natural awareness of good and evil in the obvious things of the world
God explained that there is a natural awareness of sin even without God’s law and this would be apparent in certain matters, certain sins. The obvious sins like murder which would include the taking of a life not yet born. Some sins can be apparent to those with a moral, ethical character. God made the point of the Gentiles who were unaware of the law of God which was directed to the Jews. Specifically, God described how people who lived without the law (He was referring to the Law of Moses, which was familiar to those who were being addressed) could nonetheless in some matters discern good from evil.
Romans 2.12-16
12 For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law
13 (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified;
14 for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves,
15 who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them)
16 in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.
These verses indicate a principle that those who did not know the Law of Moses nonetheless have the law written on their hearts with their conscience bearing witness they could discern good from evil in some things. The case of abortion is a form of this that is, something so obviously wrong that their consciences will be accusing or excusing them. I just cannot think of anything more observably, more perceptibly wrong than abortion. The fact that people can live with themselves in having or supporting an abortion indicates the ultimate in arrogance, in callousness. This point is made to realize people can inherently know better. They can inherently know abortion is very wrong. In fact, knowing this they scurry around looking for some way to justify abortion.
The beauty of spiritual awareness, understanding the truth
We will continue to better understand God and His meaning in the case of abortion. The meaning of God in relation to abortion will become clear in case it is not already clear from the verses above in relation to murder. Those who know something about God that is, know the truth about God will understand the things that follow whereas those who really do not care, those that do not love the truth will not see.
Can you understand the things of God when your attitude is closed-minded? You might think that your beliefs about abortion are correct. It would help if you could use the Bible to support that belief. The Bible is understood when you are seeking the truth and not seeking to prove what you want to be true. Additionally, the things of God are only truly, deeply understood by those who are spiritual. However, as we have been indicating the evil pathetic nature of abortion is something that is easily understood even by the “natural man/woman.” I know a women who considered herself a feminist but struggled with supporting abortion as indeed it seemed so very wrong. She referred to herself as a Christian and had knowledge of the verses mentioned and believed them. The character of a Christian must be as God describes and that includes love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Such a person is unselfish and not considering herself above others and sees abortion as a terrible evil. The Christian woman does not struggle with abortion. If indeed the requirement of feminism is to support abortion then she cannot be a feminist. Strangely, the early feminists and feminist leadership was strongly against abortion and considered it the ultimate in evil.
The following is a short version of the beliefs of the early feminists from “the feminist case against abortion:”
The feminist movement was born more than two hundred years ago when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote “A Vindication of the Rights of Women.” After decrying the sexual exploitation of women, she condemned those who would “either destroy the embryo in the womb, or cast it off when born.” Shortly thereafter, abortion became illegal in Great Britain. The now revered feminists of the 19th century was also strongly opposed to abortion because of their belief in the worth of all humans. In Susan B. Anthony’s newsletter, The Revolution, abortion was described as “child murder,” “infanticide” and “foeticide.” Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who in 1848 organized the first women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York, classified abortion as a form of infanticide and said, “When you consider that women have been treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit.”
Modern feminism includes abortion and would like to exclude belief in God
In more modern times abortion would become the cornerstone of the feminist philosophy. The early feminists would have been abhorred by the feminist movement today. Those who are indeed Christians, added to the body of Christ by the Lord Himself can discern good from evil. They continually get better in making that distinction as they grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord. Correctly knowing God allows a person to make certain distinctions. Especially being able to determine good from evil. Can you think of anything God did that is trivial, that is casual, that can be opposed? God put in place the means to continue the species and for humankind that means continuing to bring those created in His image into existence. Directly interfering with that process in this case by abortion opposes God’s purpose. It is thwarting God’s plan. No, God does not allow women to choose because it is more than her body. The things of God are holy that is, belong to Him. One might wonder how the feminist movement was able to transition from abhorring abortion to “loving” abortion. It seems apparent that this is the result of the growing belief in atheism. That is, there is nothing more to life than a short physical existence and the unborn child is just no more than flesh and bones. As God is removed from society sin abounds and it might even be a good reason to be atheist that is, in order to attain comfort in killing the child. Yet so many who support abortion claim to believe in God. It turns out that there is an exceptionally great distance between saying you believe in God and having a relationship with God.
Approving of abortion without understanding God and the purpose of life
Can or does the world understand the things of God? They can since they have that which is perfect – the word of God. However, they do not have the distinction that allows discerning good from evil, namely being “in Christ” and growing in knowledge.
Interestingly, abortion is a sin that has a certain obviousness, like discussed in Romans chapter 2 regarding those who were unaware of the law of Moses but by nature did many things of the law.
When we talk about a deeper understanding of God it is a reference to the spiritual nature of a child of God. Anyone can choose to have such a nature and in that state you know the meaning of life and everything of life can be crystal clear. Whereas, some people indeed see abortion as clearly murder, as clearly evil they do not have a full understanding of God and thus not an accurate understanding of something like abortion. Namely, they do not see the implication of abortion relative to opposing God’s purpose and the consequential evil in opposing the holiness of God. On this page we are providing a rather complete understanding of abortion as one who is spiritual could perceive. When you have such an understanding you see everything about life fitting perfectly together and perfectly aligned with God’s purpose. Not only do you accept God’s definition of sin but understand why He choose certain things as being sinful.
A higher level of understanding
Abortion is one of those things that can inherently be understood as wrong, as evil. Those of the truth can discern good from evil. Is having the child good or evil? It is obviously good and the intention of God. As God indicates to those who know to do good and do it not it is sin.
James 4.17
17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.
Having the child is good and in keeping with God’s purpose, not having the child would be evil. God explains the process of growth allowing one to discern good from evil.
Hebrews 5:14
13 For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe.
14 But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
When you gain this ability to discern good from evil you are working in the spiritual realm. In the case of abortion this action is easily discerned as evil even by the natural man in a moral sense. The deeper understanding allows one to see the abortion as more than murder but as an action that opposes the purpose of God.
1 Corinthians 2.13,14
13 These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Of course, not believing in God lessens your concern about abortion. Your life will come to an end followed by your non-existence. Life means so little to those who believe God does not exist. Interestingly many who associate with religion nonetheless have abortions. In the end people do what they want and if not having the child is what they want then it is an easy choice. These are not good people but indeed very evil and very short-sighted. A child of God knows that those who know to do good and do it not that to them it is sin. Good is having the baby and consequently not having the baby is evil, is sin.
Abortion and society
This discussion of abortion herein is very non-social. Those who have an awareness and dedication to the truth are in service to God. The local church is spiritual and has no social mission. A social mission might be working to institute laws that forbid abortion. Individuals in the Lord’s church might support such activities (albeit unwise), but not in association with the local church. It is unwise because by observation most of these efforts fail. Also, those “in Christ” have a defined mission in terms of sin that can be referred to as preaching the word.
The prime directive of the church is to bring the gospel message that declares God-defined sin and all sins require forgiveness. The local church does not promote any social solutions. Abortion is a sin but not one to be solved in the social or political sense by those who are “in Christ.” This distinction is not one held by the “religions of the world.” God’s local church, consisting of those in the body of Christ have no authority to carry on any social warfare in relation to any sin, in this case in relation to abortion. They are authorized to preach the word and in that process God-defined sin is revealed. They are involved in helping individuals in their very personal war with sin. They point out the things that are sin and how those things can be forgiven. In God’s wisdom in view of His purpose that life is about the soul there is a focus on the soul of each person. As one better understands God it is clear it would be futile to have those in His body fighting a war against sinful practices of the world. It would be an impossible task and a place where there could be no victory. However, there can be victories when an individual turns from sin and obeys the gospel. To clarify, you will never see God’s local church marching against abortion or any other sin. The battle is always between each person and sin and thus they preach the word of God, the gospel of salvation.
Note: It would be good if a country legislated against certain apparent sins and that is discussed further down the page. Practically, as mentioned there is a low potential for success and the more important result (an individual’s sin being forgiven) could be compromised.
Catholicism brings confusion under the guise of being so wonderful
Catholicism brings great confusion to abortion while seemingly being the aggressive adversary of abortion. When you have everything wrong, so fundamentally wrong in relation to God and create a culture that opposes God in everything then even those things that appear to be good are indeed evil. Catholicism is well known for its opposition to abortion. In fact, if most people were asked who provides the most opposition to abortion you would quickly get the answer, Catholics. Their opposition is very public and highly organized. This all seems so wonderful and a moral stalwart against the obvious evil of abortion. Yet to those who understand God and His ways this is not the means to combat sin. There will be no Catholics in heaven because none are in the body of Christ. You will in fact find many Catholics in the “list” of those who have abortions. Despite the apparent hatred of abortion by the Catholic church this sin of abortion can be forgiven in their “confession process” just like any other sin. You can repeat this sin as many times as you wish and obtain forgiveness. Of course, there is no forgiveness of any sin in the Catholic process. There are no priests in the new testament, no confession of sins to a priest and sins are not forgiven in any Catholic practice. Nonetheless, that is another subject. The point is that this public opposition to the sin of abortion is not the means of managing sin in the framework of the church belonging to the Lord. Like all the “so-called Christian churches” there is a physical character to all aspects of their religions. The Lord’s church is spiritual in every aspect and can be recognized in its spirituality. Catholicism presents a massive public effort that points out the evil of abortion. Yet there is no apparent positive outcome while at the same time they inadvertently promote abortion by providing for its forgiveness. That is, within their membership there is a lack of true seriousness. Maintaining members has a high priority in Catholicism and their process of confessing sins allows their members to live in the world and still have a means of achieving heaven. This is true of all sins inasmuch as they abhor sin and then forgive it. This may not be apparent to the world, but to those who have a spiritual relationship with God through Christ it is obvious. The children of God know the true process for forgiveness of sins. The most fundamental understanding of God, of life and “God defined sin” are missing and thus the means to properly grasp the evil of abortion. This understanding of sin is missing in the world and especially confusing from a religious perspective.
A deeper understanding of God is important then you can see abortion can be forgiven – but see it from God’s point of view
Actually, abortion like any sin can be forgiven but in the framework of God’s process to achieve forgiveness of sins it is unlikely there will be repeat offenders. In the process of obeying the gospel all past sins can be forgiven. God knows the heart of each person and He knows if the repentance is valid. If a child of God (one who is “in Christ” by obedience to the gospel) seeks forgiveness of new sins it is accomplished by repenting and praying to God. Again God knows if the repentance (leaving that sin forever) is valid. God cannot be fooled. In Catholic confession a person confesses sin and it is forgiven by the priest absolving the sin. A true knowledge and dedication to God make it unlikely that such a sin as abortion would be committed (in the first place). In fact there is a day in and day out dedication to avoid sin, to avoid all sin and this is the manner life of those “in Christ.”
We titled this article, “Abortion, the terrible choice.”
Ultimately, each woman decides either to have the child or not. In the world, the debate is regarding if the woman has the right to choose. Of course, she has the capability to choose because God provided each person with a free will. Every abortion doctor has the right to choose to abort the child or not. People who want to make abortions illegal believe they can halt women from having abortions and that is a good thought but there will still be abortions. I doubt if legislation were successful that women and/or doctors would endure serious incarceration from a practical standpoint. Legislating against sin is difficult. Some sins can be legislated and there can be reasonable success because society demands and supports such actions. Murder and stealing are examples of such sinful things and can reasonably be regulated and prosecuted. Although, abortion involves a murder those supporting abortion would like people to believe there is no victim. In the case of a murder the victim is dead and therefore cannot speak so the courts speak for the victim. The unborn child also cannot speak but who is their advocate if the mother will not defend the child? The courts, the legal system should defend the unborn. If that were to work out in a way that the unborn would be protected, that would be fine and right. Those who are “in Christ” fight a different battle in helping people to abandon sin and have sin forgiven. Any sin unforgiven will result in a failed life. Some sins like abortion bring a person to the depths of despair, eventually. These people in deep regret may be the last persons to seek God and forgiveness. The mental scars of abortion may remain with the mother throughout her life. The very coldest of hearts are those who choose evil and few recover.
Another distinction in the area of sin
We try to make this distinction regarding the work of the Lord’s church compared to the work of those “churches of the world.” The “churches of the world” try to promote laws that would make sinful things illegal (in our case making abortion illegal). The church that Jesus built and continues to build does not seek to change the laws of the land. If the government enacted laws forbidding abortion there would be no objections but that in no way would change the process of how the Lord’s people approach sin, any sin. God’s people encourage people to avoid all sin and would not ty to eliminate sin by some legislation. Those who are “in Christ” lose their lives by living it for Christ and the gospel. When people live their life for themselves, they are living it for what they want and that might mean living it for sins they want. This distinction is enormously powerful as is everything associated with the Lord’s body (His spiritual church). The war between each person and sin does not involve the world making rules that legislate against sin. Some people may not understand this distinction, but they might understand that the world’s efforts to eliminate sin have not worked. All the work done to legislate against sin not only has not worked but sin has increased. God’s way eliminates the sting of sin by forgiving sin and also by people understanding the true eternal penalty of sin. Sin is eliminated because people choose not to sin. It is every person’s right to choose not to sin and every person’s right to choose to have their sins forgiven.
Summarizing abortion
Supporting sin is sin and a book by the present author explains this is and is titled “God” published in 2020 by Austin Macauley Publishers. This explains sin from the point of view of God that is, understanding God’s meaning.
A sin like abortion carries a certain added burden as it often sickens the sinner. It is also a sin often brought on as result of other sins. The woman sees her life in ruin and there is such an easy solution – terminate the growth in her womb. In many cases we are dealing with very immature women, many who are very young. The vast majority of all murders are for personal gain as is the murder by abortion. Many murders are committed out of hate and that is very personal. The baby may even be an object that is hated. Once the woman can arrive at the baby being an object standing in the way of what the woman wants then the abortion becomes easier. The baby is an object not a human being or they may say not YET a human being. This is a conveniently fabricated story to support the very bad decision they wish to make. People are marvelous in creating excuses for the actions they take that are indeed evil actions. This matter of abortion, which is easily seen as wrong, seen as evil and yet presented to comfort as simply a matter of choice. Such a casual decision and can be easily forgotten so the women are told. In fact, it is not so easily forgotten. A nice way of putting it is how naïve the woman was, but there is nothing nice or comforting in this terrible choice. Being naïve seems to indicate there is insufficient knowledge or the woman was misled and thus in some way she was not accountable. God will hold the woman accountable because He knows her heart and that she wanted the abortion and even found an excuse. We are not dealing with a person, but with perfection, with God. Abortion is spoken of by its supporters as a choice, as a right to choose. They are right it is a choice and it is a terrible choice and places the woman on the road to eternal failure. If a person has an abortion or supports abortion these are pathetic behaviors. Supporting abortion seems worse than having the abortion as these persons are skilled in convincing women to have the abortion. Their victims are often weak-minded and desperate women incapable of arguing against abortion. Casually supporting abortion is every bit as evil, as is being silent when you know abortion is wrong.
If you really understood that, “Life is about the soul”
Abortion is not a consideration if a person has the most basic understanding of life. Life is about the soul and not about all the things people envision are important in their life. Obviously, if your personal success is more important than your eternal success than an abortion may be the answer to a current problem. However, if you can see beyond this life to the eternal life God offers then you will not do anything that offends God. You know the certainty of death, of your death. You also know that living for Christ is not easy and there will be many hard decisions. You know that few will stay the path to eternal life. You also know that you are committed to be eternally successful. Thus all sin must be avoided. NOW, how many people know the things of God and have the strength to overcome sin? Few have the strength to fight the sins that entice them and the “religions of the world” have not placed you in a position where you have a relationship with God. The church that Christ built by adding the obedient to His spiritual body contains persons who understand the seriousness of God in everything He says. Indeed, it takes a person living every day for the Lord taking care of the little things and then when the big things come along they are also managed. Most likely, the big things, the difficult temptations rarely present themselves. That is, by not placing themselves in “sin-situations” but taking the advice from the scriptures to avoid every appearance of evil.
Life is much, much, much different than the world thinks than the “religions of the world” thinks. Abortion is a good example where people even of religion (so-called) will be overcome and quite easily. We can say this simply because life is about the soul and those of God know this. You see in the end of your life or when Christ returns bringing an end to all things there is only one issue, only one thing of importance and it is, “do you have a relationship with God through Christ.” Are you in the body of Christ? The thousands of things you thought were important, were NOT. You may find you were lost due to being a liar or any number of things.
Revelation 21.8
8 “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
In any case you died with sin that was not forgiven. We are discussing abortion and it is just another sin. Any sin not forgiven will mean you have lost your soul. As human beings, we tend to assign different degrees of seriousness to sin. God looks at sin differently and it seems He assigns punishment in degrees. At a high level He has revealed this but just enough for us to understand a little more about His judgment. At this point it might be expected that abortion is going to be assigned to a terrible level of punishment. However, I cannot say that. Since I have a relatively good understanding of God from the things He has provided, I can cautiously say some things consistent with what God has revealed. There are certain things that God hates, certain things He refers to as an abomination, certain things that directly oppose His purpose for humankind and certain severe punishment for those who know the truth but fall away and are admonished that their end will be worse than if they never knew the way of God.
One thing that seems obvious is the certain severe punishment for those who lead or support others in sin even though they themselves never commit the sin. Abortion is one thing where there is a massive amount of support in terms of encouraging a woman to have an abortion. Abortion is connected to the feminist movement which includes various desirable aspects that are legitimate “complaints” and in that context abortion is just another thing that seems right for women. God indicates that among those things He hates is a heart that devises wicked plans and feet that are swift in running to evil and a false witness who speaks lies. The trouble caused by such people seems very much like those who support evil and mislead people. In our case those who support abortion and thus they should not expect to escape the wrath of God. One can easily conclude that there is no powerful argument against abortion or against any sin if God does not exist. There might be a moral issue for some who see the clear evil in aborting the child, but seldom do they oppose the claimed woman’s right to choose. As mentioned there are many who claim a belief in God who still support abortion and that is not only individual believers but even large religious organizations. Saying you believe in God or calling yourself a Christian does not make you one. Those who have a valid relationship with God understand God and God’s purpose, and God-defined sin. It is lies committed in representing scripture incorrectly that keeps people from having a relationship with God. It is not surprising that sin is not correctly represented and in fact sin can become very subjective and open to human reasoning. Due to abortion’s obvious evil, people do object to it and religions (like Catholicism) oppose it and seek to legislate against it. As previously mentioned this is not the solution to the problem. It is a physical solution to a spiritual problem. Whereas God provides a spiritual solution and this is exactly how those “in Christ” attack all sins.
For many, speaking about abortion is meaningless
An atheist will not care about the scriptures. Many people of “religion” have aligned with groups that accept abortion. Some people like Catholics hear the teachings of their church on abortion but like all sin it can easily, casually be forgiven. Many Catholics will be aggressive in their words, actions, and efforts to vilify abortion. Again, this appears to be so right, but it is not how God directs those in his spiritual body to address sin, any sin. Catholics produce no valuable outcome and in fact it is only a distraction inasmuch as they believe they are serving God.
Certainly, discussing abortion is a waste of time in view of the fact that people do what they want and if they want an abortion they will have an abortion. The only deterrent for any sin is the truth about God and life. That is, you come to the correct knowledge of God and life and are motivated to live in a way to succeed in life. A discussion of abortion might be interesting and even informative especially if your question is related to the Bible view of abortion. We covered that view and even indicated that having a deeper understanding of God and His purpose would strengthen your understanding of abortion and all sins. It was an understanding that comes from having a spiritual character and any person can have such a character. Thus we can say the real subject is not abortion but always eternal life. When we say that life is about the soul and absolutely about nothing else then that is where the discussion of any sin should be centered. The truth regarding abortion (or any sin) is in relation to its effect on the soul. Those who know the truth about life that is those in the body of Christ have no interest in debating the nature of this sin or that other than it is a sin and needs forgiveness.
Now, the discussion about abortion is largely meaningless as we suggested to the atheist and we could have said meaningless to those who do not believe they have a soul. All the problems in the modern world as seen in the treatment of persons, in the shutting down of legitimate conversations or debates, the pathetic and vulgar language, and the massive amounts of lying everywhere in everything point to a degradation of society. This is what young person’s see as the normal course of things. Hatred is spewed from the colleges and media against those whose doctrines OPPOSE sinful lifestyles. Even if those persons never verbalize those things publicly. This is not about being harmed by those in the body of Christ, but about allowing no opposition of any kind to their beliefs. How dare anyone oppose any thing I believe or I want. It is the ultimate in paranoia and the characteristic evil that is present in the worst of atrocities and it is what happens when God is not present. Out of such a society comes the killing of the unborn and blaming others who might think it is not a rightful thing.
Overwhelming and corrupting young people with one-sided, ungodly extremism
There is no sense of fairness in our educational systems. There is an aspect of bullying inasmuch as teachers beliefs cannot be rigorously evaluated by young persons. These young “folks” of course think they are the masters of discernment but are the opposite and easily influenced. They come to accept the beliefs of the “professors” and even support them violently if required. Because they never had a good understanding of what they have come to believe their defense is non-existent, at best a “surface defense.” That is, the deeper understanding required to support their beliefs does not exist. Thus they simply get angry and walk away from any serious questioning. Whenever you see people begin to loudly chant short slogans you know of the sad condition and vulnerability of their beliefs. There is such a strong parallel between these haters of “God and religion” and those of the “religions of the world” as they both defend that which cannot be defended. It is of course the indoctrination plus people hearing what they want to hear and a lack of intelligent opposition to the things they are taught. In order to produce the hate in young persons it is necessary to portray evil and unfairness in those philosophies, teachings, and persons they oppose. They do this in a well-conceived manner, and it is accepted with little questioning. Is it any wonder they will not allow opposing voices to contact their students? If we take a book like “God” published in 2020 as an example of an opposing view we would be providing something that could be considered fairness. Allowing the minds of young people to have the ability to question what they are taught.
The root cause of all this is something that is preached at the vast majority of universities and it is that “There is no God.” It is taught openly and is an everyday assumption in various discussions. In other words it is universally accepted especially by those who comprise the intellectuals. This “no-God” belief is behind everything that is evil in the world and it is very specifically targeted to the God of the Bible that is, the God with rules and punishment. Of course, there is no truth, no evidence for these academic leanings. The true nature of God and the origins of these beliefs are covered in the book, “God.” Interestingly enough it is the “religions of the world” that have been most significant in promoting (often inadvertently) the doctrines that flow from the lips and writings of the colleges and the world’s media. In general on the surface these “religions of the world” are the advocates of God. However, God is not the pawn of humankind and cannot be represented in just anyway this or that group would like to characterize Him. Thus these “religions of the world” effectively represent idols (human devised god’s). People can see the pathetic nature of religion in the diversity of teachings and the historical conduct of religions. That is in their cruelties, murders, glorification of various individuals, authoritarian demands, fake piety, and arrogance to mention a few. Therefore, religion gets a bad name and well deserved and worthy of being abandoned. However, the missing piece of the puzzle is that the “religions of the world” have absolutely nothing to do with God. Indeed, God has nothing to do with them. Unfortunately, those who hate religion, hate God, hate Christianity are just like those they hate inasmuch as they all have it wrong. You cannot replace the truth and when God is out of the picture there is no knowledge expect what is in our realm. God’s realm has graciously been revealed and defines what life is all about and that means what happens to you when you “pass.” Otherwise, it would seem that you simply go out of existence.
Consequences of a godless society come very gradually then once recognized it has devastated many
Ridding the world of God, the God of the Bible rids it of God’s rules. Suddenly, nothing is immoral. Day in and day out the young minds of the world are victims and in a few short generations the world has lost its moral, ethical conscience. So this is how the acceptance of abortion and many other sins evolved. Things that are obviously “troublesome” to a moral character did not become acceptable overnight. The list of things accepted and the future list of things to be accepted such as pedophilia via such things as changing the age of consent may come swiftly. It always has to do with rejecting God, the God of the Bible. This will not be a great society and yet it is not the prime concern of those in the body of Christ. Again, the concern and the work of the church belonging to Christ is to show people how to win their individual battles with sin. We do not look at people and their sins and step back in disgust but see a person (like we once were) in need of forgiveness. There is no concern regarding each person receiving perfect justice. The terrible choices people make will equate to failing eternally.
One of the worst things about teaching God does not exist is that God does exist, and He points out that to succeed you have to be one that seeks Him with your whole heart and like He says it requires a diligent effort. Obviously, you will not seek God if you believe He does not exist. These are not your friends who teach you God does not exist. Find out for yourself but you can only do that if you seek God.
So college students leave the university and they all know that choosing to abort the child is the right of a woman. It is as basic as the fundamentals of mathematics. Since they are indoctrinated that God does not exist there seems to be no issue. They HATE those who oppose this most fundamental right of women. First, why would they hate persons who believe differently? Is there any justification for students in the process of obtaining a higher level of education to leave their institution with a hateful spirit about anything? They go to college to learn, but not to learn to hate. Throughout college there is a one-sided moral philosophy, or we might say no moral philosophy – admittedly very attractive to young people.
You might notice that we are NOT disagreeing with a woman’s right to choose, but instead suggest it is a terrible choice. After all, God provided everyone a free will and the purpose was for each person to choose to do good or evil and thus our eternal outcome can be decided. So, pointing out abortion as a terrible choice should be a consideration in a woman’s decision. A nation that is able to separate itself from abortion by opposing it has done a good thing and saved many lives and is not participating in thwarting God’s purpose. Like so many sins, if God can be removed from our mind by accepting that He does not exist then the decision to sin can be easily made. For many, even if God is present in their mind the decision can still be to abort the child. People do what they want.
The ability to distinguish good from evil is lost
A nation that supports abortion by allowing it and even by paying the cost of abortion out of the public funds is participating in evil. Individuals (having the abortion, supporting abortion, performing the abortion) bear the eternal burden of sin and nations also suffer inasmuch as sin becomes acceptable. Sin at best brings short term happiness or relief but eventually even during the earthly existence is destructive. The technique for gaining abortion’s approval is to associate it with the right of a woman. The so-called right to choose for her own body. However, it is not her body, but the child is a different body. The body of the woman is not harmed in the abortion, but the very separate body of the baby is murdered. The child being the creation of man and woman and truly involves God inasmuch as each child is in the image of God. We have learned the very purpose of God is tied directly to His design of procreation. Evil has a very gradual character in its growth and that is true for a person and for a nation. That pattern of accepting evil continues by being made easier once it is established. It is ironic how the child is destroyed in abortion and how young children born into a society that accepts evil grows up with many truly evil things surrounding them. Then in what appears to be a good thing they seek a higher education only to be inundated with teachers promoting “God does not exist.” So generation after generation the ability to distinguish good from evil is diminished. This very thing so highly valued in the scriptures is the ability to distinguish good from evil is lost. It should be no surprise that nations can disintegrate under such powerful forces. The characteristic forces at the root cause level would be commonplace extremes of deceit, pride, greed, and selfishness. No one cares about morality, ethics but each person’s concern is to get all they can.
A final thought from the word of God
Matthew 23.12
And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
Do you know how you exalt yourself in the act of abortion, how you put yourself ahead of the child, how you put yourself ahead of God? Indeed those who exalt themselves will be humbled just as those who humble themselves to God’s way will be exalted – receive heaven. Abortion is a terrible choice and you are hoping that God does not exist but are you sure considering the cost? In some way you have been deceived about God and about abortion, but it was still your choice.
The feminist movement (also known as the women’s movement, or simply feminism) refers to a series of political campaigns for reforms on issues such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, women’s suffrage, sexual harassment, and sexual violence, all of which and more fall under the label of feminism.
Is abortion right or wrong, is it acceptable or unacceptable to society, is it acceptable or unacceptable to God?
Obviously, these questions and their answers will be viewed differently that is, with varying degrees of prejudice. For instance, an atheist will not be interested in the biblical view of abortion. However, they might envision there is a moral question or a question of cruelty. On the other hand, they might appreciate that the woman has a right to make the decision.
Those who believe in God as the God of the Bible want to know what the scriptures teach. Many in religion believe they can find a way to “twist” the scriptures such that abortion is a matter of choice. After all, their core religious beliefs are based on liberal interpretations. Thus we have many “so-called Christians” that will accept the concept that a woman has the right to choose to have or not to have the child. There are endless possibilities when one looks into the scriptures believing they have the right to change or tweak God’s meaning. Yet there is truth and there is error. Those who love the truth want to know God’s meaning. In what follows we will rightly divide the word of God and know God’s meaning for abortion.
Let us look at abortion from the scriptural perspective. There are a number of verses that come to mind and we can place them under three topics:
1) God’s condemnation of murder:
22 But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment.
20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies,
21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
2) God’s hatred of those who shed innocent blood
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
17 A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood
Note: There are those who believe the unborn child is born with a sin (original sin) or born with a sin nature (inherited depravity). Both are wrong, nonsense and you can go to this website URL for a better and clear understanding:
3) God’s awareness of human life is from the time of conception
God is aware of everything, knows everything and that includes every grain of sand on every beach, every hair on your head and of course, the existence of every life even in the womb. Indeed, each human being is in the image of God and has an eternal soul. We know God’s purpose to share in His Divine Nature with every human being and He devised procreation to provide humanity and thus to fulfill His purpose. The things of God are good and to interfere in the divine process is to interfere with that which is holy – set aside for God. It is certainly evil.
13 (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified;
14 for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves,
15 who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them)
16 in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.
These verses indicate a principle that those who did not know the Law of Moses nonetheless have the law written on their hearts with their conscience bearing witness they could discern good from evil in some things. The case of abortion is a form of this that is, something so obviously wrong that their consciences will be accusing or excusing them. I just cannot think of anything more observably, more perceptibly wrong than abortion. The fact that people can live with themselves in having or supporting an abortion indicates the ultimate in arrogance, in callousness. This point is made to realize people can inherently know better. They can inherently know abortion is very wrong. In fact, knowing this they scurry around looking for some way to justify abortion.
Can you understand the things of God when your attitude is closed-minded? You might think that your beliefs about abortion are correct. It would help if you could use the Bible to support that belief. The Bible is understood when you are seeking the truth and not seeking to prove what you want to be true. Additionally, the things of God are only truly, deeply understood by those who are spiritual. However, as we have been indicating the evil pathetic nature of abortion is something that is easily understood even by the “natural man/woman.” I know a women who considered herself a feminist but struggled with supporting abortion as indeed it seemed so very wrong. She referred to herself as a Christian and had knowledge of the verses mentioned and believed them. The character of a Christian must be as God describes and that includes love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Such a person is unselfish and not considering herself above others and sees abortion as a terrible evil. The Christian woman does not struggle with abortion. If indeed the requirement of feminism is to support abortion then she cannot be a feminist. Strangely, the early feminists and feminist leadership was strongly against abortion and considered it the ultimate in evil.
The following is a short version of the beliefs of the early feminists from “the feminist case against abortion:”
Interestingly, abortion is a sin that has a certain obviousness, like discussed in Romans chapter 2 regarding those who were unaware of the law of Moses but by nature did many things of the law.
When we talk about a deeper understanding of God it is a reference to the spiritual nature of a child of God. Anyone can choose to have such a nature and in that state you know the meaning of life and everything of life can be crystal clear. Whereas, some people indeed see abortion as clearly murder, as clearly evil they do not have a full understanding of God and thus not an accurate understanding of something like abortion. Namely, they do not see the implication of abortion relative to opposing God’s purpose and the consequential evil in opposing the holiness of God. On this page we are providing a rather complete understanding of abortion as one who is spiritual could perceive. When you have such an understanding you see everything about life fitting perfectly together and perfectly aligned with God’s purpose. Not only do you accept God’s definition of sin but understand why He choose certain things as being sinful.
Having the child is good and in keeping with God’s purpose, not having the child would be evil. God explains the process of growth allowing one to discern good from evil.
14 But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Of course, not believing in God lessens your concern about abortion. Your life will come to an end followed by your non-existence. Life means so little to those who believe God does not exist. Interestingly many who associate with religion nonetheless have abortions. In the end people do what they want and if not having the child is what they want then it is an easy choice. These are not good people but indeed very evil and very short-sighted. A child of God knows that those who know to do good and do it not that to them it is sin. Good is having the baby and consequently not having the baby is evil, is sin.
The prime directive of the church is to bring the gospel message that declares God-defined sin and all sins require forgiveness. The local church does not promote any social solutions. Abortion is a sin but not one to be solved in the social or political sense by those who are “in Christ.” This distinction is not one held by the “religions of the world.” God’s local church, consisting of those in the body of Christ have no authority to carry on any social warfare in relation to any sin, in this case in relation to abortion. They are authorized to preach the word and in that process God-defined sin is revealed. They are involved in helping individuals in their very personal war with sin. They point out the things that are sin and how those things can be forgiven. In God’s wisdom in view of His purpose that life is about the soul there is a focus on the soul of each person. As one better understands God it is clear it would be futile to have those in His body fighting a war against sinful practices of the world. It would be an impossible task and a place where there could be no victory. However, there can be victories when an individual turns from sin and obeys the gospel. To clarify, you will never see God’s local church marching against abortion or any other sin. The battle is always between each person and sin and thus they preach the word of God, the gospel of salvation.
Note: It would be good if a country legislated against certain apparent sins and that is discussed further down the page. Practically, as mentioned there is a low potential for success and the more important result (an individual’s sin being forgiven) could be compromised.
A sin like abortion carries a certain added burden as it often sickens the sinner. It is also a sin often brought on as result of other sins. The woman sees her life in ruin and there is such an easy solution – terminate the growth in her womb. In many cases we are dealing with very immature women, many who are very young. The vast majority of all murders are for personal gain as is the murder by abortion. Many murders are committed out of hate and that is very personal. The baby may even be an object that is hated. Once the woman can arrive at the baby being an object standing in the way of what the woman wants then the abortion becomes easier. The baby is an object not a human being or they may say not YET a human being. This is a conveniently fabricated story to support the very bad decision they wish to make. People are marvelous in creating excuses for the actions they take that are indeed evil actions. This matter of abortion, which is easily seen as wrong, seen as evil and yet presented to comfort as simply a matter of choice. Such a casual decision and can be easily forgotten so the women are told. In fact, it is not so easily forgotten. A nice way of putting it is how naïve the woman was, but there is nothing nice or comforting in this terrible choice. Being naïve seems to indicate there is insufficient knowledge or the woman was misled and thus in some way she was not accountable. God will hold the woman accountable because He knows her heart and that she wanted the abortion and even found an excuse. We are not dealing with a person, but with perfection, with God. Abortion is spoken of by its supporters as a choice, as a right to choose. They are right it is a choice and it is a terrible choice and places the woman on the road to eternal failure. If a person has an abortion or supports abortion these are pathetic behaviors. Supporting abortion seems worse than having the abortion as these persons are skilled in convincing women to have the abortion. Their victims are often weak-minded and desperate women incapable of arguing against abortion. Casually supporting abortion is every bit as evil, as is being silent when you know abortion is wrong.
Life is much, much, much different than the world thinks than the “religions of the world” thinks. Abortion is a good example where people even of religion (so-called) will be overcome and quite easily. We can say this simply because life is about the soul and those of God know this. You see in the end of your life or when Christ returns bringing an end to all things there is only one issue, only one thing of importance and it is, “do you have a relationship with God through Christ.” Are you in the body of Christ? The thousands of things you thought were important, were NOT. You may find you were lost due to being a liar or any number of things.
One thing that seems obvious is the certain severe punishment for those who lead or support others in sin even though they themselves never commit the sin. Abortion is one thing where there is a massive amount of support in terms of encouraging a woman to have an abortion. Abortion is connected to the feminist movement which includes various desirable aspects that are legitimate “complaints” and in that context abortion is just another thing that seems right for women. God indicates that among those things He hates is a heart that devises wicked plans and feet that are swift in running to evil and a false witness who speaks lies. The trouble caused by such people seems very much like those who support evil and mislead people. In our case those who support abortion and thus they should not expect to escape the wrath of God. One can easily conclude that there is no powerful argument against abortion or against any sin if God does not exist. There might be a moral issue for some who see the clear evil in aborting the child, but seldom do they oppose the claimed woman’s right to choose. As mentioned there are many who claim a belief in God who still support abortion and that is not only individual believers but even large religious organizations. Saying you believe in God or calling yourself a Christian does not make you one. Those who have a valid relationship with God understand God and God’s purpose, and God-defined sin. It is lies committed in representing scripture incorrectly that keeps people from having a relationship with God. It is not surprising that sin is not correctly represented and in fact sin can become very subjective and open to human reasoning. Due to abortion’s obvious evil, people do object to it and religions (like Catholicism) oppose it and seek to legislate against it. As previously mentioned this is not the solution to the problem. It is a physical solution to a spiritual problem. Whereas God provides a spiritual solution and this is exactly how those “in Christ” attack all sins.
Certainly, discussing abortion is a waste of time in view of the fact that people do what they want and if they want an abortion they will have an abortion. The only deterrent for any sin is the truth about God and life. That is, you come to the correct knowledge of God and life and are motivated to live in a way to succeed in life. A discussion of abortion might be interesting and even informative especially if your question is related to the Bible view of abortion. We covered that view and even indicated that having a deeper understanding of God and His purpose would strengthen your understanding of abortion and all sins. It was an understanding that comes from having a spiritual character and any person can have such a character. Thus we can say the real subject is not abortion but always eternal life. When we say that life is about the soul and absolutely about nothing else then that is where the discussion of any sin should be centered. The truth regarding abortion (or any sin) is in relation to its effect on the soul. Those who know the truth about life that is those in the body of Christ have no interest in debating the nature of this sin or that other than it is a sin and needs forgiveness.
Now, the discussion about abortion is largely meaningless as we suggested to the atheist and we could have said meaningless to those who do not believe they have a soul. All the problems in the modern world as seen in the treatment of persons, in the shutting down of legitimate conversations or debates, the pathetic and vulgar language, and the massive amounts of lying everywhere in everything point to a degradation of society. This is what young person’s see as the normal course of things. Hatred is spewed from the colleges and media against those whose doctrines OPPOSE sinful lifestyles. Even if those persons never verbalize those things publicly. This is not about being harmed by those in the body of Christ, but about allowing no opposition of any kind to their beliefs. How dare anyone oppose any thing I believe or I want. It is the ultimate in paranoia and the characteristic evil that is present in the worst of atrocities and it is what happens when God is not present. Out of such a society comes the killing of the unborn and blaming others who might think it is not a rightful thing.
The root cause of all this is something that is preached at the vast majority of universities and it is that “There is no God.” It is taught openly and is an everyday assumption in various discussions. In other words it is universally accepted especially by those who comprise the intellectuals. This “no-God” belief is behind everything that is evil in the world and it is very specifically targeted to the God of the Bible that is, the God with rules and punishment. Of course, there is no truth, no evidence for these academic leanings. The true nature of God and the origins of these beliefs are covered in the book, “God.” Interestingly enough it is the “religions of the world” that have been most significant in promoting (often inadvertently) the doctrines that flow from the lips and writings of the colleges and the world’s media. In general on the surface these “religions of the world” are the advocates of God. However, God is not the pawn of humankind and cannot be represented in just anyway this or that group would like to characterize Him. Thus these “religions of the world” effectively represent idols (human devised god’s). People can see the pathetic nature of religion in the diversity of teachings and the historical conduct of religions. That is in their cruelties, murders, glorification of various individuals, authoritarian demands, fake piety, and arrogance to mention a few. Therefore, religion gets a bad name and well deserved and worthy of being abandoned. However, the missing piece of the puzzle is that the “religions of the world” have absolutely nothing to do with God. Indeed, God has nothing to do with them. Unfortunately, those who hate religion, hate God, hate Christianity are just like those they hate inasmuch as they all have it wrong. You cannot replace the truth and when God is out of the picture there is no knowledge expect what is in our realm. God’s realm has graciously been revealed and defines what life is all about and that means what happens to you when you “pass.” Otherwise, it would seem that you simply go out of existence.
One of the worst things about teaching God does not exist is that God does exist, and He points out that to succeed you have to be one that seeks Him with your whole heart and like He says it requires a diligent effort. Obviously, you will not seek God if you believe He does not exist. These are not your friends who teach you God does not exist. Find out for yourself but you can only do that if you seek God.
So college students leave the university and they all know that choosing to abort the child is the right of a woman. It is as basic as the fundamentals of mathematics. Since they are indoctrinated that God does not exist there seems to be no issue. They HATE those who oppose this most fundamental right of women. First, why would they hate persons who believe differently? Is there any justification for students in the process of obtaining a higher level of education to leave their institution with a hateful spirit about anything? They go to college to learn, but not to learn to hate. Throughout college there is a one-sided moral philosophy, or we might say no moral philosophy – admittedly very attractive to young people.
You might notice that we are NOT disagreeing with a woman’s right to choose, but instead suggest it is a terrible choice. After all, God provided everyone a free will and the purpose was for each person to choose to do good or evil and thus our eternal outcome can be decided. So, pointing out abortion as a terrible choice should be a consideration in a woman’s decision. A nation that is able to separate itself from abortion by opposing it has done a good thing and saved many lives and is not participating in thwarting God’s purpose. Like so many sins, if God can be removed from our mind by accepting that He does not exist then the decision to sin can be easily made. For many, even if God is present in their mind the decision can still be to abort the child. People do what they want.